Monday, July 29, 2013

*ta dum ta dum* *snap snap* ADDAMS FAMILY! :O

I have always loved the ADDAMS FAMILY! The cartoon and the movie they had about it :) I love the dark humor and sense of evilness that can never happen in real life. 

Nevertheless, I WENT FOR THE MUSICAL! :D 

It was at Resorts World Sentosa! Muahahaha! The ticket cost me $110. It was a early bird discount. My first time at Festive Grand Theatre and I was AWED by how the theatre looks like. Here's a pic


The show began by this keyboardist, playing the signature Addams Family tune, with some audiences, including me and BFFE, snapping to it. retarded! 

The show was all about family values, love and finding what you lost.

There a famous line "Define Normal" Said by Grandma. 

That is very true. What is Normal? and who defines it? Nobody but the society itself, that agrees upon itself.

Thank Goodness we bought the program the moment we set foot into the foyer. Because after the show there is a meet and greet session where you get the cast to sign your program and get to take pictures with them!! :O 

And how I LOVE WEDNESDAY. I thought she was a kid, but after reading the program, I realised, that she is a adult. Beside, Morticia is really really tall!

Let the pictures talk! :D


GOMEZ, PUGSLEY AND MORTICIA...Signing programs ;)

Gomez signing my program

Pugsley signing my program!

I present to you, Morticia and Forticia!!!! Wahahaha

Me and BFFE with WEDNESDAY AND LURCH! :D Finally, BFFE met her dream guy (just the height,of course)

We managed to take some pics with the setting too :)

The stage and us!! Thanks to my S4 features, we can take photos like this! :D

BFFE and the stage! :D

With that image of Morticia, BFFE wanted a #OOTD. Hence, I took one for her with flash to make her look whiter and more Mortician ;)

She was happy coz she "look like a zombie" 

Definitely first time hearing someone say that... 

This weekend was so great! Great company to great musicals! :D Too bad we went for the last show of THE ADDAMS FAMILY, coz I WANNA WATCH IT AGAIN!! WHY THEY NO SOUNDTRACK!!!

Enough said about that night. It was awesome and that's exactly how I remembered it.

Cheery Cheers,
Roseann Zerlinda

Twitter: roseyroseann
Instagram: roseyroseann

Saturday, July 27, 2013


*The phantom of the opera is here~~~*

Woohoo! Went to watch the Phantom of the Opera! :D The setting in the theatre was MAGNIFICENT! I manage to take a pic :)

The stage!! Magnificent right!!! :DDD I must admit to this part of the show. I've always heard of people saying how real the chandelier feels when it "falls". But this is disappointing...The effect wasn't as good in fact, it is not good. Nobody actually shouted "ah" or jumped.

Went to watch with Le BFFE!!! :D She is my buddy for everything! hehe, so grateful for her in my life. WHAT WILL I DO WITHOUT YOU??!!!

Our tickets that cost $168 :O
Before the show starts! :D wahahaha!!!

After the show, took a picture of the cast list! :D 

AND....OMG!!! HOW I LOVE RAOUL!!!! Although I sat quite far away from the stage, i can tell, HE IS HOT!!! WITH THE CAPITALS :O 

The musical did make me and BFFE cried at certain sceneS. However, we did not get the soundtrack as it wasn't that fabulous...besides, I can listen to it whenever I want on YOUTUBE! wahahaha!!

Hahaha!! enough with the drooling. 

We bought these 2 pictures for $20 :) Which will be donated to Singapore Cancer Society. ;) I love doing good deeds.

After the show, we went to NEWTON FOOD CENTRE for supper ;) hahaha!! 

These are just some of the food we ate that night. HAHAHA! My sugarcane drink and BFFE's usual, Ice Milo ;)

Overall, that night was well spent, really really well spent. Great company, great show. 

Go see the show if you have a chance! The expensive tickets are really worth it ;)

Cheery Cheers,
Roseann Zerlinda

Twitter: roseyroseann
Instagram: roseyroseann

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I think, I'm falling in love again...Oh geez...

But then, I can't help but wonder, if it was the right move.

First up, we started off on the wrong note (in a good way). But then, I am actually am confuse as to what you're doing to me.You text me 1st everyday and when I reply, you kinda not reply. So... WHAT IS IT THAT YOU WANT FROM ME?! If you're not into me, don't hint to me that you are interested in me.
Maybe, I'm just afraid. But I can't afford another heartbreak. I am so afraid of getting my heart broken. It does hurt (literally). I can feel the pain. Not to mention sleepless night where I will spend time crying to myself.

I still don't have the courage to make wrong decisions about this anymore, not after that incident that happened 2 years ago.

I finally plastered my heart together. Apart from the scars, I think my heart is looking good. It's just, I am not sure if I have room for more scars. That's why I gotta be careful. I feel so stupid for falling in love so easily.

Please, don't toy with my feelings...I am not sure what I will do if another one of you comes along and play with my heart.

FYI: Yes, I do want to feel loved, but do it the platonic way if you have no romantic feelings for me.

Cheery Cheers,
Roseann Zerlinda

Twitter: roseyroseann
Instagram: roseyroseann